Exciting news! We have launched our new free DNS Management system! Manage your external zones using our reliable DNS management system, fully integrated into the control panel - at no extra charge.
Our DNS system is geographically dispersed, DNSSEC ready, and built atop the PowerDNS platform. Manage and add records such as A, AAAA, CNAME, ...
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We have upgraded our control panel backend systems to more powerful servers as well as optimized all services. This will provide improved response times, faster screen loading, and smoother browsing experience across all of our web tools.We hope this makes working with the control panel even more pleasant and efficient.As always, please create a ...
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We have now added the ability to configure rDNS for VPS services directly within the control panel. This will allow our customers to get up and running faster with less requests.Currently, only IPv4 is supported. If IPv6 records are needed, a support ticket will still be required.Please see this knowledgebase article for more details and ...
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Fedora 25 Server Edition has been added to the ISO repository for KVM machines. You can now provision this OS during the order process or rebuild your OS in the control panel for exisiting VPS.Here are the release notes for the new version:
In addition to the flexible multi-role functionality provided by rolekit, Fedora 25 Server now delivers a ...
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